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How is it delivered?

  1. For Key Stage 3 Themes and Values are brought to life through interactive picture boards and role play especially designed to explore empathy and emotions and human values. Sessions also incorporate a philosophical stance and explore quotes (from key philosophers) relevant to self awareness. In addition the program offers specific sessions geared towards emotional challenges that the children may be experiencing. For example; options and career choices or increased pressure due to exams.
  2. Emotions and their impact are then explored further with KaiAmea Self Help Techniques and Laughter Yoga Techniques that have been specifically designed to relate to the topic discussed. These allow young people to ‘fizz’ and provides the opportunity to release strain and tension from individuals and the class as a whole.
  3.  KaiAmea Self Help Strategies to ‘Calm’ are then explored. Young people are encouraged to try different techniques and explore strategies to promote feelings of being relaxed and ‘centred’ discovering which methods work best for them.
  4.  An art activity based on Art Therapy Techniques further explores and processes emotions and concludes the session.

Follow on activities

Following an hour session with a class; The Learning To Live Programme provides ‘follow on activities’ specifically designed to further explore the themes and values and provide young people with additional opportunities to explore emotions and team build with their peers. Activities include:

  • Literacy, Drama and Art & Craft activities.
  • Script of the story (where relevant) for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) work.

Thought for the week

Check the web site weekly for the KaiAmea Learning To Live quote. Designed to:

  • Inspire self reflection.
  • Promote a positive outlook.
  • Promote discussion on repercussions of behaviour on experiences.

What does it cover?

Each KaiAmea Learning To Live session covers the five Social, Emotional, Aspects to Learning  (SEAL) with a strong emphasis on empathy and awareness of self and others.

Learning To Live sessions also include extensive coverage of the themes and values within PHSCE. Kay is currently developing more material for Key Stage 3.

The additional sessions for the older Key Stage  include:

  • ‘Career?’
  • ‘I CAN!’
  • ‘Chill Out!’
  • ‘Down the Rabbit Hole: emotions & addictions’
  • Cyber Stalking
  • Anger?
  • Self Respect: Substance & Food Abuse

(For details of the KaiAmea Learning To Live session lesson plan contents please contact…)

Fitting to your school’s needs

Schools have the option to select which PHSCE Themes and values they wish to address when booking KaiAmea Learning To Live Sessions. Kay can work with the school in tailoring the Learning To Live Programme to:

  • Incorporate the specific curriculum of the school for the academic year or term.
  • Address specific issues or concerns of the school.
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